Issue #20 The Miscellaneous Adventures Digest
Celebrating 20 weeks in a row and a thank you from the three of us...
Hurrah! Welcome to the twentieth issue of The Digest!
Just a short one this week to say thank you for sticking with us and for reading our weekly digest for twenty weeks in a row. I set myself the task of writing something every week because in truth I find writing quite a challenge. I wanted writing to feel easier, to get better at sharing ideas and to communicate thoughts and feelings more freely. Writing these weekly digests has been incredibly valuable and rewarding, and although I’m a long way off being a writer, I’m finding it much easier to let the words flow and I’m thankful for the kind comments and interactions that help me to keep going.
Our mission with Misc. Adventures has always been to communicate the profound impact building a stronger relationship with nature has had on our own lives and to promote an increased awareness and perception of the staggeringly beautiful natural world through creativity and adventure; being able to share our experiences here is a big part of that and we hope that you get as much out of reading it as we do writing it.
If there’s more (or less) that you’d like to hear about, then we always love hearing feedback and suggestions so just let us know!
There’s no official Nature Happenings this week, but let’s just say there is A LOT happening out there at the moment! Early spring can sometimes feel a bit frantic for the amateur naturalist. The explosion of new life is staggering with plants popping up here, there and everywhere, birds coming and going and buds bursting faster than we can keep up with. It’s our favourite time of year to be out and about exploring and with good weather booked in for the next few days we hope to report back next week with some of our findings and tales of small adventures.
Some nice things to look and listen out for over the weekend: Chiff chaffs are back! This little warbler saying its name on repeat is very much the sound of spring and summer for us. Insects seem to have awoken from their slumber and everywhere is buzzing - we saw our first bee fly of the year, who you might remember from last week’s issue we were patiently waiting for to show up. Brimstone butterflies are on the wing, look out for this bright, sulphur yellow sign of spring along with its other fluttering friends. Willow catkins are flowering and bees are taking advantage of the early season snack - go and stand next to a flowering willow tree and listen! Ospreys are about apparently, and whooper swans are heading north up to the arctic so remember to look up occasionally…
We’ll be back next week as usual, so until then with deep thanks and warm wishes from,
Andrew, Emma and Benji
P.S if you missed it earlier this week, then do check out our collaboration with Adventurous Ink and claim yourself a free copy of our favourite nature writing book.
P.P.S if you enjoy reading our digest and have the means to do so, you can support our work financially by becoming a paid subscriber. We hugely appreciate each paid subscription as it helps us to keep doing the work we love. Thank you.
Yes! I heard a chiffchaff in the park today and announced it excitedly to one of the mums at the playground. They looked at me like I was drunk. Tough crowd!
Congrats on the 20th! Please keep on doing the inspirational writing. I love to read it from the personal and environmental perspective. 👏💚