Hello! Solstice greetings! This is just a very short one as we have had a chaotic week; building work at home and mechanical failures have conspired to make writing or thinking nigh on impossible. Regular service should resume next week.
Did you celebrate solstice this week? We didn’t manage to do exactly what we wanted due to the aforementioned chaos, but we did enjoy seeing out the longest day by taking a late evening swim and eating dinner, the three of us together, in our van by the lake in the shadow of the mountains. On our drive home we just caught the sun seemingly slipping its way into the sea, a bright pink, orange, red slither of day disappearing into another tomorrow. I can’t help but find summer solstice to be tinged with melancholy. Although the days are still long and warm, it does, although painful to admit, mark the beginning of the end of summer and a gradual shift towards darkness.
With the longest day been and gone, and Earth tilting towards autumn and winter, now is the time to make the most of the long summer evenings whilst we can. Whatever you did for Solstice, and whatever your plans are for the rest of summer, we wish you many happy, sunny evenings bathed in golden summer light.
With warm wishes,
Andrew, Emma and Benji