Misc Adventures Digest
Lessons from the Woods
Lessons from the Woods - Trailer

Lessons from the Woods - Trailer

What to expect from our short podcast series coming soon.

Before we left our woodland home in January 2022 for a new life in Cumbria, we recorded a series of conversations reminiscing on our decade of living there, a time of deep transformation for us and one we wanted to always remember. We did this as a form of conversational journal, recounting the lessons we learned, the ways in which we had changed and the times we shared, good and bad. In doing this, we realised that our story might be interesting to others to hear and so we decided to share these conversations as a podcast of sorts. We hope you’ll enjoy listening and learning more about our lessons from the woods.

Andrew and Emma

Misc Adventures Digest
Lessons from the Woods
A look back at 11 years living in a Sussex woodland: During the last month of living in our woodland barn, we sat down together and discussed the things we'd learned about life, nature and the whole universe. We originally recorded these conversations to ensure we wouldn't forget how we felt and what we'd learned during our 11 years but thought they might be interesting for others to hear. So here they are!