Hello. Well, last week we wrote a fairly scathing piece about April and all its failings so perhaps this week we should focus on the marvel that is the month of May.
Surely it is the finest month?
The great greening of woods is finally complete, the leaves tender and translucent in the sun’s warm rays. Beech leaves glow vivid lime green, tufted with soft downy fur along their edges that catches the light like slivers of silver. Birches and rowans have been leading the charge, waiting patiently for others to catch up, but finally oak has filled in the gaps in the landscape and suddenly the scarcity of winter has been replaced by spring abundance. Wildflowers are at their best, bluebells, stitchworts, wild garlic, primrose, wood anemone all jostle for light and attention and receive plenty of both.
All seasons are fleeting, and the tiny lantern-like flowers of bilberry remind us that although summer is just beginning, berry season is not too far away and that we must make the most of these bright days whilst we can.
Well, enough words. We have been out and about locally, shaking off April’s doom and gloom and enjoying taking photos for the first time in while - here are some scenes from the woods near our home.

Also we took a walk in one of our favourite spots, scrambling over boulders and dipping in the icy waters. This is the first time in a while we have felt like swimming. The water is still cold enough to take your breathe away, but the warmer air temperature makes it much easier to be tempted in. It takes a certain amount of determination and self control to make yourself plunge into freezing water, which I think is part of the appeal - it is a step towards taking control of something, of being in charge of how you feel. Knowing that you can do this difficult thing, and not only survive but thrive because of it, is empowering. It felt indescribably good to be fully immersed in the gently flowing water for a brief moment - as I dip under I imagine all troubles washing away with the current, shedding the burden of winter and emerging somehow changed, reset and restored.

And then one evening, we cycled along the river, following sunken lanes and bouncing along rocky paths, stopping frequently to catch the sun’s rays illuminating Nature’s finest work.

Only a week ago, it seemed impossible that we would one day we feel warmth on our bare arms and yet, here we are, the month of May delivering just what we desperately needed.
Will it continue? Who knows, but for now we plan to get out there and bask in the May glow whilst we can - and we’d encourage you to do the same.
Well, that’s all for this week. How has May been for you so far? Whatever you get up to over the coming week, we hope May delivers for you…as always, it’s lovely to hear from you in the comments.
With warmest wishes,
Andrew, Emma and Benji
Beautiful photos! April's foul weather has come my way! I went on a 5 day through hike in early May and on 4 days had the worst thunderstorms I've ever been in! 🤣
Stunning photography. Felt like I was on a tranquil journey watching the marvels of May unfold along the way. Thank you again (and very jealous of your cold, refreshing and rejuvenating dip💧).